Monday, February 05, 2007

Save The Internet


Once again, the cable and telecom industry are quietly trying to do away with open-ness, fairness, and equality on the Internet.  We were successful at scuttling Ted Steven's wacky plan to allow the big guys throttle through put based on what ever criteria they deemed fit.

That's the good news.  Thanks to all who emailed, faxed, or called a congress person.

The phone and cable companies have started lobbying congress again to try and topple the idea of Net Neutrality.

Why is Net Neutrality SO important to the Arts and to the non-profit industry as a whole?  Any of our organizations that rely on the Internet for marketing, if you sell products or online services, if you use the Net in any way to further your agenda then it is critical to keep it flat.  The telecoms and cable companies want to dictate HOW FAST content is served up based on criteria that has never been explained.  Personally I think that they plan on charging a surcharge--protection money--for you to ensure your content is served in a timely way.

If you want to help out, go to Save The Internet and read up on the issues.  Then write, call, fax, email your congress people and let them know what you think.

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