Friday, June 29, 2012

Dinner to celebrate 15 years of wedded bliss! Vesta Dipping Grill.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just accepted a quote for central air. Install on Sunday. Frosty air, here we come. #ridiculousheat

Squirrels on roof running like nutjobs. Sound 80 lbs each. Perhaps there is really a herd of ponies up there? #crazywildlife I think I'm going to cry. Welcome to the modern world USA. #healthcarereform #obamacare

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My #drupal friend @Shayne378 is looking for a new job opportunity. 2 courses away from an MBA. 7 years of PjM experience. Know of anything?

Doing the @vintagedigital books. This will please some people I'm sure.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 it keeps on coming. #coloradoburning

Hickenlooper calls for the state and country to pray for a break in the weather. Winds are whipping the fires up something awful.

Gov Hickenlooper is talking right now about the fires. He is at a loss for words. #coloradoburning

Anxiety levels high - fires all over Colorado. News for some #drupal folks at meetup in Denver that they are evacuated. #sadtimes

Boulder Fire - look for the plane entering the smoke #scary

@techgirlgeek is going to talk about #drupal ladder - a group effort to push core contributor %ages up.

at the #drupal Denver meetup, we're introducing ourselves with how close we are to a fire.

First #Drupal meetup that I can officially represent @trellon - I WILL represent

at #drupal Denver meetup with some of my peeps. @techgirlgeek @jcfiala @zarabadoo @pixel_whip @c4rl - looking forward to fellowship

Monday, June 25, 2012

Over 102F/39C with no Air Conditioning yet. Needed some relief while I work from the home office.

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