Thursday, November 04, 2010
Flight to #DrupalcampAustin purchased. Looking forward to the conference. Oh my but this is a #troubling thing to advertise & classified itself as #FUD
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
GIANT skunk in the neighbour's back yard.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010 #Firesheep - How Can Public WiFi Protect Its Users? #wifi #security #yourpacketsarenotsafe
The day ends on what I think might be the highest traffic day in the history of my blog to review the analytics tomorrow.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Massive spike in spam traffic on various sites I help manage. Nice to have a tool like #mollom to keep things squeaky clean. Thanks @dries. A little blog post on the merits of Voting tomorrow. @election2010
Using #woopra's chat feature with a user on #coolness - love this tool so much.
Make that first in the search results now. #firesheep #googlejuice
Googling "how to install firesheep" brings up my thoughts on the plugin as the second item in the results. Traffic has been good today.
Happy Anniversary! #foster #adopt #fostadopt
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ok, it is official, I love halloween again. The house is as good as it has ever been. Photos and videos soon.
Roasting pumpkin seeds using as the guide
I should NOT have had that 7:00 PM latte. #stupid