Saturday, February 07, 2009
Just finished sifting through receipts for taxes and fixing the wood-stove's seal. Tomorrow we can start heating with wood again.
Well good morning all! It is 7:40 am and I am up. Wife and Daughter are both still snoozing, so I'm making a quiet cup of tea.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Time to head to bed I think. Lots to do tomorrow including starting to put together an outline on social media and grantmaking. New Blog Post - Google SketchUp
Feeling tired but strangely awake. I think another cup of herbal tea and pjs are in order.
Working on the text of a proposal. Nice cup of "Tension Tamer" is helping clear my mind.
Heading home after a long week. I have work in my briefcase - my hope is to square it away tonight, but (perhaps) in my pjs.
Well good morning all.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Playing with Google's SketchUp. What a cool free tool.
Just checked my bank account and the weirdness at the ATM last night seems to be alright-had me worried. I feel better.
I just realised that not only am I operating on just over 4 hours of sleep, I also only have had one cup of coffee in the last 40 hours.
Wow. - the spam catching service I use on several sites - is down.
Flight boarding. Headed home. Apparently the batteries are now charged.
Flight from NYC to DIA delayed for an hour due to batteries being drained.
Apparently my flight back to Denver has been delayed due to mechanical issues.
Sleepy at the airport.
Up very early to head back to Denver after a productive, but exausting, three days in NYC. Looking forward to my own bed.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Photos from my @pingV trip to NYC. Just a hodge podge as I've been in client meetings the whole time.
Morning All!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Super day and I'm headed to bed. Great meetings with new client + amazing monkfish meal at the Oyster Bar at GCS in NYC with @pingV folks.
Out of client meetings in New York City. Getting set to head out for dinner.
Lovely lunch at the Olympus Pita - Lamb in a fresh baked pita with, of all things, fries wrapped into the sandwich. Very good.
Sitting at a cafe drinking coffee in NYC. Asked for apple juice. Response, "Green or Red sir?" A New Blog Post on - How to become a Fostadopt parent
Morning All!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Enjoying a beer with a fellow worker I've never hung out with before. - New Blog Post - Taxes and Fostering/Adopting -
Down in NYC. Now to Manhatten. It's been several years since I've been here-last time was for an American Craft Council jury.
Jovial pilot.
On flight to NYC. DIA security was very efficient today. Fast and comfy boarding.
Hmmm. Only one of three posts I made through made it to my blogger account. Wonder why?
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Night all.