Saturday, May 23, 2009
Watching classic Doctor Who on Netflix Instant while eating popcorn. Cheesy and low budget, but fun.
Macro Photo from the Zi6 HD video camera - I'm fairly impressed - Mancow grudgingly admits that waterboarding is torture after having procedure.
Enjoying a Sunshine Wheat beer from the New Belgium Brewery.
Ma-in-law came to watch kiddo dance today, then off to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes, off to see Night at the Museum - Smithsonian. A great day.
Fired up the grill to start bison burgers and roast corn and the world turned into sheet rain, thunder, and lightning.
Kodak Zi6 HD Pocket Video Camera is incredibly easy to use, has swappable memory, and replaceable batteries. Perfect for conferences. #HD
Getting set to watch my daughter's hip hop performance.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Bought a Kodak Zi6 Pocket HD video camera this evening. Charging it up tonight and will start playing with it tomorrow. #HD #video #pocket
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Colorado Drupalcomp 2009 - a little plug for the event -
A quick look at Mingle - an Agile PM system - #dogstar #agile
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Our 2009 vegetable garden put in this past weekend.
A PERFECT fortune for the #fostadopt community - #genius #adopt #foster
I'm setting up the Mingle Agile PM system on my localhost to play around with. I'm writing a short tutorial on how to get it up and running.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
At the #techstars party. The room is filling up and it is getting loud. Who will we meet?
Looking forward to the #techstars community reception in about 20 minutes.
Making tea and dragging myself into the land of the living. I had a really restless night - lots of tossing and turning. Could be the heat.
Met my wife after work at the local garden shop. Got more flagstone for the new patio area. Surprised her by picking up a chimnea secretly.
Looking at Mingle an Agile Project Management tool. Interested in opinions if you've used it.
Monday, May 18, 2009
If you're a #fostadopt or #foster parent, what kinds of things do you do to aid in attachment? Join the conversation: #adopt
Fleury was on fire tonight. Great goal tending.
Testing the first iteration of a large Drupal project against use cases written by a different Web Producer - enjoying doing QA a lot.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Sarah Connor Chronicles is officially dead - - makes me unhappy.
I started by tilling this morning-7 hours later the veggies are in, we have a new patio area-which needs more pavers, and the yard is mowed.
Just finished the annual rental of the Mantis Tiller. Vegatable garden is now nicely turned over and we have lots of veggies to be planted.