Saturday, December 06, 2008
Grilling up a couple of beef tenderloin steaks, steaming brussel sprouts, boiling potatoes paired with a lovely Merlot. YUM!
Waking up and making tea. Family and I are doing some volunteer work today and need to be out in 45 minutes.
Reading questions on forums and answering a few of them.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Watching an episode of Atlantis.
Just loaded up advanced forums on ( is down. :( Right when I wanted to do a little research on advanced forums.
Making a little pizza, scalloped potatoes, and mac and cheese. I think we need a veggie...
Yesterday ( was blitzed by spammers. Spam catcher repelled over 600 messages.
Late last night, I wrote on the forums in response to "Should your Nonprofit Blog".
Waking up, just put the kettle on.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Getting set for bed. Night all.
The movie Tinker Bell is on our DVD player for our daughter to watch. My wife whispered, "Kill me now..." as the sickly sweet music started.
On my way home on a snowy and cold afternoon.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Watching "Fringe".
New Blog Post - Proposed Session at Drupalcon DC -
Working on articles of incorporation for a nonprofit I'm helping found.
At home with a belly full of macaroni, cheese, and hot dog slices.
On my way home.
Looks like the predicted snow for Metro Denver never materialized last night. I wonder who got it instead?
Morning all! Waking up and making tea.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Time to head to bed. More blog posts over the next few days on what I'm hoping to present at #drupalcon. Night Everyone.
Working on Articles of Incorporation for a Tech Nonprofit I'm helping found.
New Blog Post -- Creating a Nonprofit, Drupalcon DC BOF --
Watching "House" while writing at bit.
Folks in Boulder in shorts...and it is supposed to snow tonight.
On my way home after a fairly productive day
On my way to work.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Georgia senatorial election tomorrow. Could be interesting.
After a night watching TV, reading the news, writing, and copy editing--I think its time for bed.
Writing a blog post for the
Looking at Bylaws notes from the Composition Board for the Nonprofit a group of us are starting in Metro Denver. This is astonishing--it will give the Bloc Quebecois much more power.
US economy officially in recession -- -- well duh!
Morning. I didn't sleep all that well last night, so a caffeine infusion is critical.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Holy Moly, it looks like the Conservative Govt in Canada is going to be toppled tomorrow.
Updating my iPhone's OS.
Christmas lights are lit! Makes the house look pretty. is getting hammered by spam bots right now. Mollom appears to be doing its job--thank goodness.
Muddy paw prints everywhere. While the dog door is a great convenience, when it is wet outside it becomes a great burden.
Tidying the house a bit, thinking about writing for a while.
Caught up with "Sara Conner" and "Prison Break". Time to head to bed and get some sleep.