Saturday, January 10, 2009
6.5 miles on the stationary bike while catching up on "House". About an hour of playing "Fable" as well. Tomorrow more fix-ups at the house.
It is very cute when my daughter says, "Rats!" As in, "Can I eat in the family room?" "No but you could have fruit at the table." "Rats!"
Just finished replacing a gas roof cap that was destroyed in the roof debacle. Then I fixed the vacuum cleaner.
Out grocery shopping.
CA Department of Social Services Foster Care added to
Fostering and Adopting in Oregon added to -
Offsite resource added to - Living with RAD -
Waking up and making a cup of tea. My kiddo was up at least five times during the night, making for a very un-restful night.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Another couple of hours of Fable. This game is immersive.
Accident on US 36 outside of Boulder. Traffic stopped.
Packing up to head home for the weekend. Have a great one everybody!
Getting up and making coffee. Had a scared kid last night again and I'm not sure why. I just realised it is Friday. How did that happen?
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Just played Fable for about an hour. I think that's enough for now. I'm going to finish my tea and head to bed.
What a day! On my way to get my kiddo. Listening to the Faure Requim.
Headed to work.
Good Morning! I've just put the kettle on for tea and I'm slowly but surely waking up. More efforts into workflows for a large client today.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
I'm surprised at how much traction this post ( ) on the Techsoup forums about my use of Twitter has garnered.
Trying to motivate myself to write.
Just put in inquiries for 5 properties during #drupalcon for #pingVision. Lets hope something sticks!
Looking for lodging in DC for Drupalcon.
Ugh, I just heard a NOT good noise on my roof. Will this wind never end? I hope there isn't more damage. Outside I go.
Amazingly there is still light peeping over the Flatirons in Boulder, CO. The days are getting longer!
Have multiple computers that you need to control at once? I had forgotten how handy using VNC--just locally--can be.
Forum Topic on - Are there books that you have found helpful in parenting your foster/adoptive child?
A book added to "When Love is Not Enough" -- a very troubling read.
At work, on a very very windy morning. Lots to do today, including finalising a kickoff meeting for a new client.
Morning all! Between scared dogs (more wind) and scared daughter, the night was a wee bit chaotic. Extra coffee to keep me going I think.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
I think it is time for bed. Its been a productive evening. Night all.
Multitasking - ripping an old tape, syncing my wife's Touch, following twitter, writing, and checking email.
New Forum Topic on - What books have your found insightful in raising your adoptive or foster child? -
State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families Info Session added to -
New Adoption Agency added to - Arizona Adoption & Foster Care -
New Event Added to - National Foster Parent Association Conference -
New Public Adoption Agency Added to - AdoptOHIO -
Checking up on Facebook, thinking about writing about Unfuddle.
Thrilled that I have a bright red loveseat in my office.
Doing my time-sheet for the day.
Good Morning all! I'm waking up and making a little tea.
Monday, January 05, 2009
New Forum Post on -- What do you do to help your adoptive child bond?
Good evening all. I think its time to head to bed.
New Blog Post -- When Audio Tapes Break Down -- Archiving old cassette media is important and easy.
Trying to kick back and enjoy the evening.
Grrr! Unfuddle is down. >:( Forum Topic - As a foster or adoptive parent, have you been compared to a previous caregiver?
On my way into work.
Good Morning all. First work day in the New Year, looking forward to a challenging and productive one.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Feeling a bit tired. Think I'll head to bed soon. Going to finish up a little work for the office for tomorrow first though.
Ripping some old tapes into digital format. Love Audacity -
Dinner = Madras Lentils with Curried Chicken Veggies + Potatoes and Garlic Wilted Cabbage. Yum!
Dang, I just noticed the arm on my glasses are just slightly broken. I think its time to find a new pair.
Just got a new sink plus carpets at Lowes. Now having lunch at Costco. Then grocery shopping.
Been playing Fable: The Lost Chapters on and off since Christmas - - Fun distraction.
Time to fold laundry.
Wishing that the Touch and iPhone OS supported copy and paste out of the box.
paying bills
Morning All! How many of you had a hard time sleeping last night? My night full of tossing and turning.