Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The creators of Kazaa and Skype have announced a partnership to create a Internet TV service called Joost.
Viacom had forced YouTube to remove all of its copyright content from the YouTube. It has announced that it will deliver content from its various interests like MTV, VH1 and Paramount.
Joost has announced a beta program to test the Interface. They have also announced that while it currently is Windows only, 250 Intel MacOS testers are in the process of working through a Mac version.
Services like Joost, YouTube, and Revver are going to turn the TV industry on its head. Already 20-somethings are spending more time online than watching TV. The networks are experimenting with delivering content on-line after the show has been aired. Apple has become a content delivery company with iTunes Music Store and now has a way to deliver that content to your TV. This kind of service can compete directly with companies like Blockbuster and Netflix.
WESTAF has been using digitized video in TourWest for two years now. This year will be the third year. But imagine if WESTAF were able to deliver the content directly to its panelists in the panelist's homes via a set top box? It is possible already provided there are enough DVRs to deliver the content to each panelist.
We are seeing a convergence of services/equipment more rapidly every day. I use my iMac to watch shows I have recorded on my ReplayTVs by streaming to a free application called VideoLan Client.
So Joost is just another piece in this interesting convergence. Will the company be successful? Who knows, but it sure is fun to watch.
Tags: iTV, Mac, Apple, Joost, REVVER, Video
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