Sunday, February 04, 2007

Identity Theft, Day 3, your wallet or purse


Never carry more than your bare minimum needs in your wallet or purse. The items recommended by the DA were:

1) One Credit Card

2) Your Driver's License

3) Your Health Insurance Card

Put the other items in a safe place where you can get at them when you need to.

I'm not sure I can get that spare in my wallet, but when I went through it I was able to remove ten cards without any problem at all.

The DA recommended that you use one of those wallets that are on string that you put over your shoulder. I use a similar one to carry my passport when abroad. If you must carry your wallet as a regular wallet, put it in the front pocket of your pants, not the back pocket. If you have a purse, never leave it unattended even for a second. Never have it open with your wallet hanging out the top of it. Would be thieves watch you like a hawk before deciding you are a worthy mark. If you make thievery difficult, they will choose a simpler target.

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