Thursday, January 04, 2007



Tonight I decided to set up ImageSpace with TinyMCE. TinyMCE is a platform independent Text Editor and HTML editor. It allows you to cut and paste from most other word processing programs and maintain formatting. Best of all, it is open source. While you might not see anything significantly different on this site, my job of formatting text has become significantly simpler.

How can this kind of technology help Arts Non-Profits? It goes back to the idea that open source, when used wisely, can significantly reduce the time and effort an agency/organization has to put into publishing online. Once the templates are setup, it becomes very simple for an arts administrator with very little experience on the Web to publish, edit, and maintain content. When the WYSIWYG IS the content management tool it reduces the cost and time one needs to take to publish.

So what kinds of tools can you expect from TinyMCE? Check it out...


screencapture copy.jpg

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