Saturday, March 19, 2005

Roku Photobridge (formally HD1000)

One of the projects I've been working on with WESTAF for about 5 years is an application and jurying system for art fairs, shows, and festivals. The notion behind the system is that all fairs ask core information that is common to all other fairs. There is no reason that an artist should have to send that information over and over and over again to multiple shows. In the Zapplication (tm) system, an artist enters this information once and then applies that information to multiple shows. They have a bank of jury images that can be used in any show. We request a high resolution image to be uploaded that is then moved to flash cards to be used in the Roku Photobridge and high end LCD projectors. The Roku is designed to display images on High Definition television sets. The images that are projected are bright, beautiful, and detailed.

Today we're conducting our 9th jury in Minnesota. What an exciting new era we're entering. I'm proud to have a small role in shepherding the process.


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